If you feel like time gets increasingly faster as the year progresses, you are not alone. December passes faster than a blustery gust of wind in a snowstorm. Even the most organized among us likely have just a bit more holiday shopping to do. A 2020 consumer survey of over 40,000 respondents revealed that 79% … Continue reading Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide
How to Create Your Own Donation Kits
‘Tis the season for donations, fundraising drives, and charitable giving. December is not only a month for holiday celebrations and get-togethers with family and friends, it’s also National Giving Month. December is one of the most successful times for nonprofits and charities that rely on generous donations from strangers. Many people are reminded of all … Continue reading How to Create Your Own Donation Kits
Most Popular Ways to Participate in Giving Tuesday
As the holidays approach, it’s easy to get caught up it the commercialization and materialism of the season. With a near constant bombardment of deals and specials, the focus of this time of year can feel a bit blurred. It’s important to remember, at the other end of the spectrum, there is gratitude. The holiday … Continue reading Most Popular Ways to Participate in Giving Tuesday
Toy Donations for All Ages
There is a definite jingle in the air. Each year, it seems to grow louder and louder, earlier and earlier. Just after Halloween, that faint jingle will become regular merry bells to carry us through to January. The holiday season is one of the busiest times of year for many families. While it can certainly … Continue reading Toy Donations for All Ages
Most Needed Winter Donation Items
Now that the days are getting shorter, they are also getting cooler. Winter is around the corner and before you know it, there will be frost on the grass and snow in the forecast. Whether you love the colder winter months or just hibernate until spring, winter will be here, and you need to be … Continue reading Most Needed Winter Donation Items
What’s Going on with Container Shipments & How It’s Affecting Your Organization
When Covid brought the world to a standstill in March 2020, everyone knew there would be significant (and almost immediate) consequences for consumers and businesses. Now, more than a year and a half later, we are seeing just how significant the impacts of the pandemic have been. While many businesses shuttered their doors in those … Continue reading What’s Going on with Container Shipments & How It’s Affecting Your Organization
How You Can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness
October fills the imagination with images of orange, crimson, yellow, and…pink! Thanks to the marketing efforts of many breast cancer awareness organizations, pink has become as synonymous with October as other traditional fall colors. Breast cancer awareness month was first recognized in 1985 and has steadily grown into one of the most lucrative and important … Continue reading How You Can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness
The Importance of Donating Child & Baby Essentials
Learning that you’re expecting a child is an emotional time. While there is plenty of elation and wonder, there is also some anxiety and worry. Am I ready? Will I know what to do? Can I afford this? The cost of raising a child is a valid and very common concern, across socio-economic groups and … Continue reading The Importance of Donating Child & Baby Essentials
Season of Giving: How You Can Give Back Today
Throughout history, there have been times when it feels like there is more heartache and hard times than at any other point. Every generation has had its share of disasters —both humanitarian and natural. Right now, it feels like we are battling so many significant and serious problems in our world. Hurricanes like the most … Continue reading Season of Giving: How You Can Give Back Today
3 Ways to DIY Your Backpack
One of the best ways to get kids excited about school is to ensure they feel prepared with great school supplies. Unfortunately, most schools across the country have to work within pretty significant budget constraints. This means parents often must foot the bill, or rely on generous donations, to get kids what they need to … Continue reading 3 Ways to DIY Your Backpack