Just before the December 2024 holidays, in a very narrow margin of time before the end of the congressional year, the 118th Congress passed a crucial bill to deliver natural disaster aid to Americans. The $110 billion disaster recovery spending bill includes $29 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s response, recovery, and mitigation activities … Continue reading A Long Road Ahead: The 5 Stages of Disaster Management
Wildfire Response and Recovery: Providing for Evacuees and First Responders
Wildfires are among the most heartbreaking natural disasters, tearing families away from their homes and uprooting lives in an instant. Imagine having to leave everything behind, grabbing only the clothes on your back while the flames rage nearby. The brave first responders, putting their own safety on the line, tirelessly fight the blaze, embodying resilience … Continue reading Wildfire Response and Recovery: Providing for Evacuees and First Responders
From Disaster to Hope: The Human Side of Wildfire Recovery
By Deb Turcott, ORIANA Solutions, LLC, Guest Blogger for DollarDays Nowhere to Run Do you remember when you were a kid and had the math test questions like “If Train A left at 8:00 a.m. and is traveling 40 miles per hour, and Train B left at 7:00 a.m. traveling 30 miles per hour, who … Continue reading From Disaster to Hope: The Human Side of Wildfire Recovery
Back-to-School, Round Two: Helping Teachers Build Care Closets
Care Closets have become lifelines for many students, especially in underserved communities. These distinct spaces, maintained by teachers and school staff, are stocked with academic supplies and personal care items to help students thrive, regardless of their circumstances. Care closets offer everything from pencils and notebooks to hygiene products, winter clothing, and even non-perishable snacks … Continue reading Back-to-School, Round Two: Helping Teachers Build Care Closets
The Joy and Necessity of Corporate and Individual Giving During the Holidays
With the holidays now upon us, we like to reflect on the season's true meaning. As a team dedicated to the organizations and people that serve those in need across America, DollarDays is reminded of this every day — yet even more so at this time of year. For many, the holidays are a time … Continue reading The Joy and Necessity of Corporate and Individual Giving During the Holidays
Homelessness in America: How Businesses Can Help
Millions of Americans face profound challenges daily — especially those lacking one of the most basic human necessities: a home. November is National Homelessness Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the persistence of this widespread crisis impacting nearly every corner of our nation. It calls for an urgent, unified response. Now more than ever, … Continue reading Homelessness in America: How Businesses Can Help
Immediate Needs: The Top 5 Bulk Supplies for Disaster Relief
In the wake of a natural disaster, communities often face severe shortages of essential supplies and the immediate focus is on survival and relief. In such times of crisis, businesses that offer bulk items at low prices can play a crucial role in disaster response and recovery efforts. DollarDays partners with various organizations to provide … Continue reading Immediate Needs: The Top 5 Bulk Supplies for Disaster Relief
Support Back-to-School with High-Quality, Affordable Uniform and Dress Code Basics
Apparel matters. Clothing serves as more than just covering and protection. It can be a medium through which we express who we are—our values, our mood, and our style. There is debate about whether school uniforms or dress codes benefit students. Many believe that uniformity instills a sense of belonging and respect and reduces social … Continue reading Support Back-to-School with High-Quality, Affordable Uniform and Dress Code Basics
Creating a Care Closet for Students: 6 Steps and What to Stock
The connection between health and academic success is fairly obvious. Healthy students miss less school, participate, and tend to learn more. Personal hygiene is part of that success formula. Why? Because good personal hygiene prevents the spread of germs and illness among students. Once more, not having personal care essentials – a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, … Continue reading Creating a Care Closet for Students: 6 Steps and What to Stock
Homelessness and the Struggle for Oral Care
Every year, it is estimated that 2 million people are considered homeless and either living on the streets or in shelters. Of this population, families account for about 38% and children approximately 25%. Homelessness can be the result of countless unforeseen circumstances, including everything from low-paying jobs to changes in public health assistance. With a … Continue reading Homelessness and the Struggle for Oral Care