Preparing Your Business for the Cold Weather Ahead

The weather has been turning quickly, as temperatures across the United States are plummeting. For businesses of all types and sizes, wintertime brings about a lot of changes to store policies, hours, maintenance and inventory. It’s good to begin prepping your business now so you’re fully prepared for all that winter brings. 1. Prepare Your … Continue reading Preparing Your Business for the Cold Weather Ahead

5 Red Flags Signaling the Need for a New Wholesale Supplier

Every business owner knows the importance of a quality supplier. The supplier forms the very foundation of the business, providing you with a vast selection of quality merchandise, partially determining your profit margin and ensuring your shelves are always stocked. With the wrong supplier, your business will suffer, and keeping your doors open will feel … Continue reading 5 Red Flags Signaling the Need for a New Wholesale Supplier

5 Products That Can Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Environmental awareness has become more prevalent in recent years as people become increasingly concerned with global warming, water scarcity and the depletion of fossil fuels. Whether out of concern for the environment or a desire to save money, decreasing your impact on the Earth offers numerous benefits. There are countless ways to ease your environmental … Continue reading 5 Products That Can Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Don’t Care About Alibaba? Here’s Why It May Matter

When the Alibaba Group Holding prices its initial public offering Thursday, small businesses, in particular, will be watching. Founder Jack Ma—the former English-teacher-turned-dot-com-billionaire—has touted his e-commerce platform as a way for smaller merchants to expand their international footprint, including access to consumers in China. In its September 5th filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Alibaba said … Continue reading Don’t Care About Alibaba? Here’s Why It May Matter

Buyer Beware

It involved only about 1% of the suppliers on its global online marketplace, but the word from last month was startling to retailers who pore through its webpages looking for products to buy at wholesale—[m]ore than 2,300 of Alibaba’s supposedly trustworthy China Gold [s]uppliers in 2009 and 2010 engaged in fraud, ringing up on … Continue reading Buyer Beware