Customer service, quality and delivering a great value are critical to DollarDays’ success, and we focus on them every day, so whenever we are recognized for our efforts, we celebrate.

SAGE promotional products distributors recently recognized DollarDays as among the best suppliers in the industry. DollarDays received an “A” from distributors based on ratings collected through the PPAI network for SAGE Online, SAGE Web and SAGE Mobile. The award recognizes companies for quality, customer service and product safety.
How important is this award?
“Distributors in the promotional products industry have complicated businesses and transactions,” said Michael Stringer, Vice President and General Manager of America’s Suppliers, parent company of DollarDays. “Because these relationships are business-to-business-to-consumer, they tend to be larger orders with many moving parts and operationally complex, and require fine-tuning, as well as high degrees of product knowledge and execution. These ratings help distributors determine which suppliers to use for their promotional product needs.”
SAGE President, David Natinsky, said, “We treat our Supplier Rating Awards with the utmost respect, because they are a testament to each supplier’s dedication to product safety and customer service. This is why we’re so proud to recognize our award-winning suppliers for setting the standard of quality and integrity in the promotional products industry.”
Putting our customers first
While DollarDays is known for its work with global nonprofit organizations, we’re also one of the largest promotional products suppliers in the country. We work with thousands of promotional products distributors, and we maintain an inventory of 30,000 wholesale items from which businesses and organizations can choose.
Congratulations to the entire DollarDays team for the “A” rating, industry recognition and for continuing to put customers first.