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The Launch of Custom Kitting Requests!

Custom Kitting

Custom Kitting

We love working with our customers to find just what they need. When we heard our customers were creating their own kits or product sets, we jumped at the opportunity to help save our customers time and money. We launched a new feature on our website to streamline the custom quote request process. Each kit is different and requires very special requirements. Our knowledgeable sales team specializes in finding the right products and the right quantities—helping to stretch your dollars. Simply fill out our form and submit it online. It will go directly to our team where they will quickly get back to you on your request. Though school supply kits are very popular, our kits can contain any number of products we have on our site or that we may need to source just for you. Here are some popular kit ideas to help inspire you to build your own custom kit.

Hygiene Kits
If you are an organization supporting homeless outreach or homeless shelters, you know the importance of hygiene kits. These are some of the most essential items we help people kit so they are easy to distribute. Basic kits with items like a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, and deodorant are available on our site already. Now with the Coronavirus, these hygiene kits have even more importance in their daily lives. We can help you put together kits with basic hygiene items that also include important PPE items like face masks and hand sanitizer. These kits can also be very seasonally different where these kits may need gloves and blankets in the winter but may need sunscreen and water in the summer. We have some of these pre-made from Convenience Kits in stock and ready to ship! They also provide kits that can be customized with your logo and the products you need!

School Supply Kits
Access to the right school supplies has always been a challenge in many communities. We see so many organizations that are constantly working to collect school supplies and backpacks to distribute to kids in need. We realize that every age child has different needs and having custom school supply kits is one way to make distributing school supply kits much easier. Many schools and classrooms have lists of required school supplies and now with our new feature in place, you can simply upload your list of school supplies and get a custom quote on the best way to build that kit.

Cold Weather Kits
Frigid cold temperatures can be one of the biggest risks for those living with homelessness. There are so many items that can go into these types of kits. Fleece blankets and warm socks are very popular, but including gloves and hats into your kits can make it much easier to deal with those cold weather months. We even have clothing basics and winter jackets that can be paired with backpacks to make these outreach kits to help the homeless survive the cold weather months.

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